* Eva Vives, Marco Bressan, Céline Poletti, Denis Caroti, consortium PROFAN, & Isabelle Régner (soumis) Mind the black box of cooperative learning: a field study in jigsaw classroom, *Psychological Science*
* Laurine Peter, Nicolas Michinov, Maud Besançon, Estelle Michinov, Jacques Juhel, Genavee Brown, Eric Jamet, Anthony Cherbonnier and The Collaborative ProFAN Group (soumis) Revisiting the Effects of Gender Diversity in Small Groups on Creative Performance: A Large-Scale Study using Synchronous Electronic Brainstorming, *Frontiers in Psychology*
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* Laurine Peter, Nicolas Michinov, Maud Besançon, Estelle Michinov, Jacques Juhel, Genavee Brown, Eric Jamet, Anthony Cherbonnier and The Collaborative ProFAN Group Revisiting the Effects of Gender Diversity in Small Groups on Creative Performance: A Large-Scale Study using Synchronous Electronic Brainstorming, *Frontiers in Psychology*